Suzanne Mettler is the co-author, with Robert Lieberman, of Four Threats:The Recurring Crises of American Democracy, published by St, Martin’s Press.
Suzanne is professor of Government at Cornell University where her research and teaching focus on American political development, public policy, and political behavior. She is particularly interested in issues pertaining to gender and politics, race and politics, democratization, inequality, and citizenship.
Among her earlier books is Degrees of Inequality: How the Politics of Higher Education Sabotaged the American Dream. Writing in the New York Times Gary Rivlin called it “a thoroughly researched argument that leaves one both a little bit smarter about how politics work in this country and also very worried about a college and university system so clearly in crisis.”
Citizens to Soldiers, published by Oxford University Press, was awarded both the 2006 Greenstone Prize and the Gladys Kammerer Award of the American Political Science Association. The Submerged State: How Invisible Government Policies Undermine American Democracy was published by the University of Chicago Press.