The Simplicity Survival Handbook
32 Ways To Do Less And Accomplish More
Bill Jensen
In a world of more-better-faster, the challenges and stresses have never been greater: too much to do, not enough time. And in an economy where worker talent (know-how, energy, attention, commitment, and creativity) is at a premium, everyone is trying to maximize personal productivity.
In The Simplicity Survival Handbook, Bill Jensen offers the antidote we are seeking: a practical guide to doing less in a world of more, and making it count.
Published by Basic Books
Praise for The Simplicity Survival Handbook
Bill Jensen offers not-so-obvious insights about the hard work of keeping things simple.
— Fast Company
Jensen is plainly a man with a mission… [His] observations about today’s business world are dead on.
— Across the Board
The Simplicity Survival Handbook is an impressive and intelligent tool for office drones who care enough to refine their craft and astute managers who want to support the idea of working smarter.
— The Miami Herald