The Myth of Wild Africa
Conservation Without Illusion
Jonathan S. Adams and Thomas McShane
Most people would feel a great loss if elephants, rhinos, or gorillas were to become extinct, but would we willingly move our families, change our means of earning a living, and disrupt our culture to prevent their extinction? People living in rural Africa are being asked to do just this by the world community. The Myth of Wild Africa explores a joint African/Western approach to conservation with the goal of returning control to the African nations.
Published by University of California Press
Praise for The Myth of Wild Africa
The Myth of Wild Africa…is the false notion that Africa was ever a continent untouched by the hand of man, and that its wildlife can be conserved without winning the support of its people…. It is a brave attempt to take sentimentality out of conservation.
— The Economist
Should be essential reading for anyone with an interest in the future of the African continent, its wildlife and its people.
— David Tomlinson, New Scientist
I’ve never read any single other volume that has had as much impact on the problems, politics, and policies—and possible solution—of conservation in Africa.
— Gary C. Clarke, Director Emeritus, Topeka, Kansas Zoological Park
A must read for conservationists, Africanists, and animal lovers.
— Kirkus